Versions Compared


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From left to right, the commands are as follows:



Rendering & Export
RenderImage RemovedImage AddedImage RemovedImage AddedExports the scene to an MXS file and renders it using Maxwell Render.
Export to StudioImage RemovedImage AddedImage RemovedImage AddedExports the scene to an MXS file and opens it for editing in Maxwell Studio.
Network RenderImage RemovedImage AddedImage RemovedImage Added

Exports the scene to an MXS file and renders it using the Maxwell Network Rendering system.

Maxwell FireImage RemovedImage AddedImage RemovedImage AddedOpens or closes the Maxwell Fire window.
Export MXSImage RemovedImage AddedImage RemovedImage AddedExports the model to an MXS file.
MXM Functions
Browse for an MXM fileImage RemovedImage AddedImage RemovedImage AddedAllows you to browse for an MXM file from the local disk. If Maxwell Render Suite is installed, Maxwell MXED will be used for browsing; select the desired MXM file by double-clicking on it in the browser. Otherwise, a standard file browser dialog will be shown.
Browse the MXM GalleryImage RemovedImage AddedImage RemovedImage AddedAllows you to browse for an MXM file from the Maxwell Render MXM Gallery. If Maxwell Render Suite is installed, Maxwell MXED will be used in MXM Gallery browsing mode. Otherwise, the plugin will attempt to navigate to the online MXM Gallery website in your default browser.
MXM Status ReportImage RemovedImage AddedImage RemovedImage Added

Shows a list of all materials and the status of their MXM paths.

Scene & Camera
Scene ManagerImage RemovedImage AddedImage RemovedImage AddedShows the plugin's Scene Manager window.
Object PropertiesImage RemovedImage AddedImage RemovedImage AddedShows the plugin's Object Properties window.
Select ToolImage RemovedImage AddedImage RemovedImage AddedProvides an eye-dropper for selecting the materials of entities in the model.
Set DOF, Z-Clip, or Z-BufferImage RemovedImage AddedImage RemovedImage Added

Prompts for two points in the scene and once chosen, adjusts either the camera's DOF (Depth of Field), Z-Clip Planes, or Z-Buffer distances.

Set Focal DistanceImage RemovedImage AddedImage RemovedImage Added

Prompts for a single point which, once chosen, is used to set the focal distance of the camera.

Maxwell GrassImage RemovedImage AddedImage RemovedImage AddedShows the plugin's Maxwell Grass window.
Maxwell SeaImage RemovedImage AddedImage RemovedImage AddedShows the plugin's Maxwell Sea window.
Maxwell VolumetricImage RemovedImage AddedImage RemovedImage AddedShows the plugin's Maxwell Volumetric window.
Insert MXS ReferenceImage RemovedImage AddedImage RemovedImage AddedPrompts you to choose a Maxwell MXS file, which will then be inserted into the model as an MXS Reference.
Help & Info
Plugin ManualImage RemovedImage AddedImage RemovedImage AddedOpens the plugin's PDF manual.
Maxwell ManualImage RemovedImage AddedImage RemovedImage AddedOpens the Maxwell Render manual. If Maxwell Render Suite is not installed, attempts to show online help.
AboutImage RemovedImage AddedImage RemovedImage Added

Opens the plugin's About box, which contains information about the currently-installed plugin.
