Versions Compared


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  • Scatter uses very little storage space. A form•Z project with many scattered objects will be pretty much the same size as one without (other things being equal).
  • Using Scatter will not affect performance of form•Z during modeling in any way (compared with, for instance, millions of components).

  • Scatter can consume a great deal of memory when it is rendered. Fire rendering with a lot of Scatter objects on formZ 7 OSX (32-bit) or Windows 32-bit can lead to out-of-memory issues. Use the formZ 8 OSX (64-bit) or Windows formZ 7/8 64-bit versions to eliminate this restriction.

  • However, rendering in Maxwell Render (standalone renderer) will use all the memory available on your system, so rendering very complex scenes is possible.




The display of Scatter can be globally enabled or disabled during export (Maxwell Display Options > Scene Tab > Scatter) and when previewing in Fire (In the Fire palette, click on the gear icon to edit preferences). When disabled, no Scatter objects will be generated in the scene.

titleScatter in Fire
To show Scatter in Maxwell Fire, enable Maxwell Features> Scatter in Fire Preferences. In the formZ 7 OSX (32-bit) and Windows 32-bit plugins, keep this option disabled, except when doing small tests to set up the look of the Scatter. Attempting to render vast numbers of scattered objects in a 32-bit plugin can lead to out-of-memory issues. Use the formZ 8 OSX (64-bit) or Windows formZ 7/8 64-bit versions to eliminate this restriction.