The variable expects the correct path to the RealFlow application, for example (on OS X):
RF_2015_PATH=“/Applications/RealFlow 2015/RealFlow.app/Contents/MacOS/RealFlow”
If the operating system’s environment layout variable is defined then the layout is always updated with this variable ignoring your own settings:
For example (on Windows):
RFLAYOUTSPATH=C:/Documents and Settings/RFLayouts/standard.lay
For example (on Linux):
RF_COM MANDS_FILE_PATH=/mnt/file_server/realflow/RealFlowCommands.xml
For example (on OS X):
RF_STARTUP_PYTHON_SCRIPT_FILE_PATH=”/Applications/RealFlow 2015/startup.rfs”
When this environment variable is defined RealFlow will always load the project specified directly after the program's launch.
For example (on Windows):
RFDEFAULTPROJECT=”D:/RealFlow Projects/Startup/Hybrido Standard Setup.flw”
If the following environment variable is defined in your operating system, the scenes folder is always updated with this variable ignoring the user preference:
For example (on Linux):
RFSCENESPATH=/mnt/file_server_name/RF_Scene _Files/
By default, RealFlow looks for objects (OBJ, SD or ABC files, for example) in the project's directory's own “object” folder. If you want RealFlow to search for objects in a common folder, please use RFOBJECTSPATH
and define the complete path, for example (on Linux):