- “Yes” means that, if the condition of the emitter is fulfilled, the particles will be sent to the emitter under “Target Emitter (True)”. If the condition is not fulfilled the particle will be moved to the emitter from “@ Target “Target Emitter (False)”.
- With “No”, particles will only be moved to the emitter from "@ Target Emitter (True)" when the condition is fulfilled.
Target (False)
If “Filter When False” is set to “Yes” all particles which do not fulfil the given condition will be sent to this emitter. This field does not necessarily need an entry and can be left blank.
- A condition tells RealFlow when a particle has to be transferred.
- Once the condition is fulfilled, the particle will be attached to the target emitter and removed from the source.
- With “In Range” or “Out of Range” the “@ Min “Min Value” and “@ Max “Max Value” fields are unlocked. You can then define a range with a minimum and a maximum value which will be used for this condition.
When you are shifting particles you also need an attribute to be compared, e.g. “If speed is greater than 2.0 shift the particle from the source to the target emitter”. In this case, “@Attribute” is “Speed”, the “@ Value” “Value” parameter is 2.0 and the “Condition” is “greater than”.
This is the trigger value for the condition. Please note that this field is inactive with “Condition” set to “In Range”, “Out of Range” and “Expression”.
Min Value
With “Condition” set to “In Range” or “Out of Range”, this field becomes unlocked, giving you the possibility to define a range between “@ Min “Min Value” and “@ Max “Max Value”.
Max Value
With “Condition” set to “In Range” or “Out of Range”, this field becomes unlocked, giving you the possibility to define a range between “@ Min “Min Value” and “@ Max “Max Value”.
This field becomes active when “Condition” is set to “Expression”. RealFlow constantly checks against the given → expression during a simulation and decides whether the condition is fulfilled or not. There is a long list of keywords that can be used to create a certain condition:
If a particle' speed is lower than 2.0 the particle should be attached to “Container01”
Source Emitter > Square01
Target Emitter (True) > Container01
Condition > Expression
Under “@ Expression” “Expression” enter:
particle.speed < 2.0
When the given condition is fulfilled RealFlow will create additional particles – their number is defined under “@ # “# child”.
# child
Here the number of child particles is specified when a certain condition is fulfilled. You should start with moderate values, because the amount of additional particles can become huge.
With this option it is possible to restrict the daemon to a certain volume.
Filter inside
With “Yes”, the particles inside the daemon's bounding box will be affected; “No” only filters the particles outside this box.