The settings of this panel affect the interaction between objects and → HyFLIP Hybrido core fluids, Hybrido secondary fluids, → HySPH secondary elements, and → Dyverso fluids.
Cell size
When objects are used in Hybrido simulation they are turned into a grid made of cells. With a value of 0.3, the smallest volume element of the domain is 0.3 m x 0.3 x 0.3 m. The more cells, the more details you will get, but at the cost of longer simulation times.
Surface offset
This parameter creates a solid extension (in metres) around the object and prevents the fluid from penetrating its surface:
- The offset can be visualized with Node Params > Display Volume > Isosurface.
- Both positive and negative values are accepted.
- Please read → “Hybrido Object Interaction” and → "Dyverso - Fluid- Object Interaction" for more information.
Domain offset