This daemon is used to swap particles from one emitter to another and to separate them. "Filter" requires two emitters: a source emitter and a target. For an easy workflow, it is best to use the "Container" node, because this is nothing but an empty bin which gathers the swapped particles from the source.
Please visit the → “Quick Start Tutorials - Foam with Standard Particle Fluids” to learn how to use this daemon.
Define one or more particle source(s) by choosing an existing emitter from a node browser. Target and source emitters must share the same "Resolution" value. Currently, this field does not accept node names with blanks (e.g. Source Emitter).
This is the emitter where the particles will be moved to when the adjusted “Condition” is true – ideally this would be a → "Container” Container” node with → standard particles. If standard particles or a second domain with Dyverso fluids. If the field is left blank the filtered particles will be deleted. Target and source emitters/domains must share the same "Resolution" value.
This field becomes active when “Condition” is set to “Expression”. RealFlow constantly checks against the given → expression during a simulation and decides whether the condition is fulfilled or not. There is a long list of keywords that can be used to create a certain condition: