RF-2480 Improvement - XML Export option to convert exported paths to absolute paths.
RF-514 Limitation - Interaction with planes is not good
Caronte integration
RF-1568 Limitation - A node of type HY_Domain in cache mode doesn't affect neither rigid nor soft body objects.
RF-1330 Limitation - Commands organizer should accept graphs
FLW read/write
RF-2170 Limitation - The option "Selection Highligthing" from the menu "View->Show" is not saved with the project.
RF-2169 Limitation - The options to hide/show the nodes of the scene from the menu "View->Show" are not saved with the project.
RF-160 Limitation - Scene Animation.SD doesn't hold new objects created during the simulation.
RF-156 Limitation - Maximum number of threads is 128
RF-1988 Limitation - FieldSave node cannot save several fields inside a single file. Unlike FieldRealLoad.
Grid splash & Foam
RF-562 Limitation - Mist can't be created for Splash&Foam and Wet&Foam nodes.
Grid wet & Foam
RF-562 Limitation - Mist can't be created for Splash&Foam and Wet&Foam nodes.
RF-1568 Limitation - A node of type HY_Domain in cache mode doesn't affect neither rigid nor soft body objects.
Hybrido fluids
RF-300 Limitation - Proxy files cannot be exported with the GridDomain on cache mode
Hybrido mesh
RF-2378 Limitation - Liquid-Hybrido secondary emitters and Liquid-Particles emitters are ignored for meshing when added to a HY_Mesh.
Maxwell Integration
RF-1735 Limitation - RealFlow crashes during Maxwell voxelization when memory is exceeded
Object emitter
RF-146 Limitation - Object Emitter in vertex or faces mode does not export the selection
User interface
RF-2170 Limitation - The option "Selection Highligthing" from the menu "View->Show" is not saved with the project.
RF-2169 Limitation - The options to hide/show the nodes of the scene from the menu "View->Show" are not saved with the project.
XML import/export
RF-333 Limitation - Initial State for objects cannot be reused when exporting scene as XML because it is embedded into the .FLW file.
RF-146 Limitation - Object Emitter in vertex or faces mode does not export the selection
Fixed bugs
RF-2407 Bug - Importing an ABC file on command line mode crashes RealFlow.
RF-2327 Bug - extensions are not exported in alembic
Alternative paths
RF-2425 Bug - Alternative Paths access from XML and graphs.
Arnold Integration
RF-2440 Bug - EXPORT_ARNOLD_SCENE constant is missing from Python SDK.
RF-2439 Bug - Arnold scene is missing from XML export/import.
Batch script
RF-2483 Bug - startup.rfs script is not properly parsed if it contains Windows end of line characters.
RF-2422 Bug - Maxwell channel settings are missing from graphs, XML and Python.
RF-2526 Bug - The SDK function "selectNodes" from the class "Scene" doesn't work when RealFlow is running in command line mode.
RF-2521 Bug - The Python and C++ SDK function "getSelectedNodes" from the "Scene" class returns an empty list of selected nodes in command line even thought there are selected nodes in the scene.
RF-2404 Bug - A simple Caronte simulation with many objects freezes on Mac OS X when the number of threads is high.
RF-2402 Bug - RealFlow crashes when an initial state of an active rigid body is created and after that we change the same object to be a passive rigid body and we reset the scene (using the reset to initial state option in the reset button).
Command Line Version
RF-2488 Bug - Estimated remaining and average time for a command line render is not properly computed if launched from a script.
RF-2206 Bug - Animated nodes using the animation curves for the transformation parameters are not updated properly when using the command line version and the reset option, only if the simulation range doesn't start in the frame 0.
RF-2485 Bug - Daemon plugins are missing from the commands list.
RF-2459 Bug - RealFlow user interface remains enabled during command execution.
File export
RF-2491 Bug - PRT files exported with graphs with custom channels of types different than Vector3F or Float are corrupted.
RF-2416 Bug - The functionality "Update Time Line Cache" doesn't work when the "Padding size" option in the "File name options" dialog box is different than 5.
RF-2517 Bug - The graph node "Vector3Reorder" doesn't work at all. It gives always a Vector3 with zero value at its components.
RF-1576 Bug - ImageDrawCircle and ImageDrawQuad nodes are really slow when painting many elements with a small size if number of threads is bigger than 1.
Grid Foam
RF-2503 Bug - The time line is not updated properly showing the cached frames for Hybrido secondary emitters when the RPC option in the export central is selected.
Grid mist
RF-2418 Bug - RealFlow crashes in some scenes when using the HY_Mist node.
Grid splash
RF-2511 Bug - Killing daemons for Hybrido Secondary emitters when the "Type" parameter is set to "Liquid - Hybrido" are not working properly, i.e. the killing volume is leaving a layer of particles outside of the volume.
RF-2503 Bug - The time line is not updated properly showing the cached frames for Hybrido secondary emitters when the RPC option in the export central is selected.
Grid splash & Foam
RF-2511 Bug - Killing daemons for Hybrido Secondary emitters when the "Type" parameter is set to "Liquid - Hybrido" are not working properly, i.e. the killing volume is leaving a layer of particles outside of the volume.
RF-2503 Bug - The time line is not updated properly showing the cached frames for Hybrido secondary emitters when the RPC option in the export central is selected.
Grid Waterline
RF-2516 Bug - The "HY_Waterline" node doesn't load cache files when scrubbing the time line if the file format chosen is Alembic (ABC).
RF-2503 Bug - The time line is not updated properly showing the cached frames for Hybrido secondary emitters when the RPC option in the export central is selected.
Grid Wet
RF-2511 Bug - Killing daemons for Hybrido Secondary emitters when the "Type" parameter is set to "Liquid - Hybrido" are not working properly, i.e. the killing volume is leaving a layer of particles outside of the volume.
RF-2503 Bug - The time line is not updated properly showing the cached frames for Hybrido secondary emitters when the RPC option in the export central is selected.
Grid wet & Foam
RF-2511 Bug - Killing daemons for Hybrido Secondary emitters when the "Type" parameter is set to "Liquid - Hybrido" are not working properly, i.e. the killing volume is leaving a layer of particles outside of the volume.
RF-2496 Bug - The parameter "Evaluation uvw mapping" for the HY_Domain node is deprecated.
RF-2206 Bug - Animated nodes using the animation curves for the transformation parameters are not updated properly when using the command line version and the reset option, only if the simulation range doesn't start in the frame 0.
Hybrido fluids
RF-2453 Bug - Under some circumstances the collision between objects and the HY_Domain node is not properly calculated when the "Cell size" parameter of the object is smaller than the "Cell size" of the HY_Domain node.
RF-2205 Bug - Simulating by command line is making to dissapear the fluid when the container geometry is active.
Hybrido mesh algorithm
RF-2507 Bug - RealFlow crashes when the parameter "Open Boundaries" in the HY_Mesh node is enabled and we try to create a mesh out of a Liquid-Particles emitter.
Hybrido mesh intergration
RF-2453 Bug - Under some circumstances the collision between objects and the HY_Domain node is not properly calculated when the "Cell size" parameter of the object is smaller than the "Cell size" of the HY_Domain node.
RF-2394 Bug - RealFlow crashes when the "Motion Blur Factor" parameter is different than 0 and we are doing a Maxwell rendering using the command line of a HY_Mesh node where we export the meshes using the alembic (.abc) file format.
Maxwell Integration
RF-2488 Bug - Estimated remaining and average time for a command line render is not properly computed if launched from a script.
RF-2422 Bug - Maxwell channel settings are missing from graphs, XML and Python.
Movie Player window
RF-2403 Bug - Movie Player icons are missing when loading a node parameter texture sequence.
RF-2502 Bug - Multijoints are not working when a scene is loaded and we simulate.
Node cloning
RF-2468 Bug - Cloning the majority of node types doesn't select the new cloned nodes, it keeps the original nodes selected.
RF-2382 Bug - Cloning a Daemon does not clone its Display Force Field parameters.
Ocean Force daemon
RF-2510 Bug - The preview and the force field of the "Ocean Force" daemon don't match when a scene is loaded. This result in a simulation that doesn't match the preview.
RF-2392 Bug - RealFlow crashes when the parameter "Image" in the "Ocean Force" daemon has a reference to a texture file that can't be loaded.
Parameters manipulation
RF-2393 Bug - The "Load Texture for Parameter" dialog box should be modal, any action on the node while the dialog box is open might crash RealFlow.
Particle mesh (Renderkit) integration
RF-2390 Bug - RealFlow crashes when the "Motion Blur Factor" parameter is different than 0 and we are doing a Maxwell rendering using the command line of a ParticleMesh node where we export the meshes using the alembic (.abc) file format.
Particle mesh (Standard)
RF-2381 Bug - Legacy Particle Mesher files are not loaded during command line Maxwell preview.