Versions Compared


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RF-2527 Improvement - Access to Maxwell sun rotation from Python, Graphs and XML.



RF-514 Limitation - Interaction with planes is not good

Caronte integration

RF-1568 Limitation - A node of type HY_Domain in cache mode doesn't affect neither rigid nor soft body objects.


RF-1330 Limitation - Commands organizer should accept graphs

FLW read/write

RF-2170 Limitation - The option "Selection Highligthing" from the menu "View->Show" is not saved with the project.

RF-2169 Limitation - The options to hide/show the nodes of the scene from the menu "View->Show" are not saved with the project.


RF-160 Limitation - Scene Animation.SD doesn't hold new objects created during the simulation.


RF-156 Limitation - Maximum number of threads is 128


RF-1988 Limitation - FieldSave node cannot save several fields inside a single file. Unlike FieldRealLoad.

Grid splash & Foam

RF-562 Limitation - Mist can't be created for Splash&Foam and Wet&Foam nodes.

Grid wet & Foam

RF-562 Limitation - Mist can't be created for Splash&Foam and Wet&Foam nodes.


RF-1568 Limitation - A node of type HY_Domain in cache mode doesn't affect neither rigid nor soft body objects.

Hybrido fluids

RF-300 Limitation - Proxy files cannot be exported with the GridDomain on cache mode

Hybrido mesh



RF-2378 Limitation - Liquid-Hybrido secondary emitters and Liquid-Particles emitters are ignored for meshing when added to a HY_Mesh.

Maxwell Integration

RF-1735 Limitation - RealFlow crashes during Maxwell voxelization when memory is exceeded

Object emitter

RF-146 Limitation - Object Emitter in vertex or faces mode does not export the selection

User interface

RF-2170 Limitation - The option "Selection Highlighting" from the menu "View->Show" is not saved with the project.

RF-2169 Limitation - The options to hide/show the nodes of the scene from the menu "View->Show" are not saved with the project.

XML import/export

RF-333 Limitation - Initial State for objects cannot be reused when exporting scene as XML because it is embedded into the .FLW file.
