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The script is for Y-based axis setups. If you have a Z-based axis setup go to → "Camera Operations (Z-Setup)"

Code Block
# Load Python's math module
import math

# Get the camera "SceneCamera01" and a focus object "Cube01"
# Initialize standard values
camera           = scene.getCamera("SceneCamera01")
focusObject      = scene.getObject("Cube01")
objectPosition   = focusObject.getParameter("Position")
frame            = scene.getCurrentFrame()
radius           = 1.5
cycles           = 3.0
verticalPosition = 0.5
orientation      = 0

# Make the camera look at the "focusObject" node's position
if (frame == scene.getMinFrame()):
	camera.setParameter("LookAt", objectPosition)

# Clockwise or counter-clockwise?
if (orientation == 0): sign = 1
else                 : sign = -1

# Get the simulation range
simRange    = float(scene.getMaxFrames() - scene.getMinFrame()) - 1.0
# Calculate how many degrees the camera covers within a single frame
# Convert the result from degrees to radians
degPerFrame = (360.0 / simRange) * cycles
radians     = (sign * degPerFrame * math.pi / 180.0) * frame

# Calculate the XZ coordinates based on the available values
xCoord         = math.cos(radians) * radius + objectPosition.x
zCoord         = math.sin(radians) * radius + objectPosition.z
# Assemble a position vector and apply it to the camera to make it move
cameraPosition =, verticalPosition, zCoord)
camera.setParameter("Position", cameraPosition)