Center |
The viewports in Studio are OpenGL® based and display all the scene items (objects, cameras, etc.).
You can create as many viewports in a layout as needed. A viewport can be switched to display a 3D/ 2D viewport, providing perspective and orthographic views.
Pressing the I key on your keyboard will enable/disable the information text displayed in the viewports.
Shading Modes
Maxwell Studio provides different shading modes in the viewports. You can choose the appropriate mode by clicking on the display mode menu in the viewport title bar.
- Bounding Box: Only bounding boxes of the objects are shown.
- Wireframe: Only wireframes are shown.
- Hidden Line: Like wireframe, but backfacing polygons are not shown.
- Flat: Flat shading.
- Toon: Cartoon shading.
- Shaded: Smooth shading.
- Texture decal: Textures are previewed in the viewport without shading.
- Textured: Textures are previewed in the viewport with shading.
The Viewport Grid
The grid visible in the 2D and 3D viewports gives you an indication of how big your objects are. It is recommended to use the grid to check if your objects are the size you intended. Please Scene scale for more details.
2D viewports will always show an adaptive grid.
These are the basic functions to navigate in the graphical viewports (Mac OSX users should switch the Ctrl key for the Command key):
* The terms in blue are cinematographic equivalents.
- Reset Viewport will reset the viewport to a default perspective view.
- Look at Selection applies to both camera and perspective view and it centers the selection in the viewport without changing the position of the viewer or the camera zoom.
- Center Selection centers the current selection (objects and/ or groups) in the viewport (Shortcut: C).
- Center Scene centers the entire scene in the viewport (Shortcut: Shift + C).