Versions Compared


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Yes, Maxwell Render V5 is a new major version and thus is not included in the free within-version updates that license holders are entitled to.   Upgrade pricing information. Upgrades are cheaper than new licenses; check your account (at the Upgrades section) or contact us to learn more about the prices.


1. Where can I buy Maxwell Render?

You can buy Maxwell Render directly from Next Limit through our secure online shop or through an authorized reseller.

2. What will I receive when I buy Maxwell Render?  How will I receive it?


No, we do not send out CD CDs or boxes: everything is delivered by email and/or downloaded from our secure website.


We accept payment with a credit card or through bank transfer. We accept Visa, MasterCard and American Express for orders in the customer gateway.  Contact your nearest reseller for their payment options.


Our list prices are the final prices but in some cases, we are required to add sales tax/VAT (also see the FAQ about VAT and taxes, below).  We do not charge any processing or shipping fees.  At the time of writing, we do not charge additional credit card fees, but we reserve the right to do so if the credit card schemes increase their fees to us. If the charge on your credit card bill is higher than our list price, you should contact your bank or credit card company.


11. I am trying to place an order through your web shopwebshop, but I am getting an error. What should I do?


The order did probably not go through for one of the following reasons:

  1. You tried to place an order with a credit card we do not accept. Our web shop webshop can only process Visa or MasterCard. We can process Amex cards manually at our offices.
  2. Your bank has put a security block for foreign payments on your account. Many banks do this for security reasons, sometimes without letting you know; they refuse payments for large amounts to companies and businesses that are less known. This means that while an international payment to for example Amazon might have gone through fine, your payment to Next Limit was denied. Please contact your bank and ask them to (temporarily) remove the block, and then try to place the order again.
  3. Insufficient funds in your account.

The Next Limit sales team will be notified of the payment error and will contact you within 24 hours (within office hours) to arrange payment. No money has been taken out of your account.
