from pymaxwell5 import * import os def replace(path,from_dir,to_dir): p = path.replace('\\','/') f = from_dir.replace('\\','/') pnew = p.replace(f,to_dir) if p == pnew: return path,False return pnew,True def editMaterial(mat,from_dir,to_dir): # Maps refmaps = mat.getMaps(False) for refmap in refmaps: refpathold = refmap.getPath() refpathnew,replaced = replace(refpathold,from_dir,to_dir) if replaced: refmap.setPath(refpathnew) print('REPLACED: %s -> %s' % (refpathold,refpathnew)) nlayer,ok = mat.getNumLayers() for ilayer in range(nlayer): layer = mat.getLayer(ilayer) # IES emitter = layer.getEmitter() if not emitter.isNull(): refpathold = emitter.getLobeIES() refpathnew,replaced = replace(refpathold,from_dir,to_dir) if replaced: if not emitter.setLobeIES(refpathnew): raise('Cannot set IES: %s' % refpathnew) print('REPLACED: %s -> %s' % (refpathold,refpathnew)) nbsdf,ok = layer.getNumBSDFs() for ibsdf in range(nbsdf): bsdf = layer.getBSDF(ibsdf) refl = bsdf.getReflectance() # IOR refpathold = refl.getComplexIor() refpathnew,replaced = replace(refpathold,from_dir,to_dir) if replaced: if not refl.setIOR(refpathnew): raise('Cannot set IES: %s' % refpathnew) print('REPLACED: %s -> %s' % (refpathold,refpathnew)) def editMxm(mxmpath,from_dir,to_dir,dryrun): print('Editing %s' % mxmpath) mxs = Cmaxwell(mwcallback_cb) mat = mxs.readMaterial(mxmpath) if mat.isNull(): raise('Cannot read %s' % mxmpath) editMaterial(mat,from_dir,to_dir) # write MXM if not dryrun: if not mat.write(mxmpath): raise('Cannot save %s' % mxmpath) print('') def editMxs(mxspath,from_dir,to_dir,dryrun): print('Editing %s' % mxspath) # open MXS mxs = Cmaxwell(mwcallback_cb) if not mxs.readMXS(mxspath): raise('Cannot read %s' % mxspath) # fix MXS references ito = CmaxwellObjectIterator() obj = ito.first(mxs) while not obj.isNull(): refpathold = obj.getReferencedScenePath() refpathnew,replaced = replace(refpathold,from_dir,to_dir) if replaced: obj.setReferencedScenePath(refpathnew) print('REPLACED: %s -> %s' % (refpathold,refpathnew)) obj = # fix materials itm = CmaxwellMaterialIterator() mat = itm.first(mxs) while not mat.isNull(): refpathold,enabled = mat.getReference() if enabled: # MXM reference refpathnew,replaced = replace(refpathold,from_dir,to_dir) if replaced: mat.setReference(enabled,refpathnew) print('REPLACED: %s -> %s' % (refpathold,refpathnew)) else: # Embedded material editMaterial(mat,from_dir,to_dir) mat = # fix environment environment = mxs.getEnvironment() for lt in [IBL_LAYER_BACKGROUND, IBL_LAYER_REFLECTION, IBL_LAYER_REFRACTION, IBL_LAYER_ILLUMINATION]: refpathold,state,sphericalMapping,interpolate,intensity,uTile,vTile,uTileOffset,vTileOffset,ok = environment.getEnvironmentLayer(lt) refpathnew,replaced = replace(refpathold,from_dir,to_dir) if replaced: if not environment.setEnvironmentLayer(lt,refpathnew,state,sphericalMapping,interpolate,intensity,uTile,vTile,uTileOffset,vTileOffset): raise('Cannot set environment layer %i data' % lt) print('REPLACED: %s -> %s' % (refpathold,refpathnew)) # write MXS if not dryrun: if not mxs.writeMXS(mxspath): raise('Cannot save %s' % mxspath) print('') def edit(filepath,from_dir,to_dir,dryrun): if filepath.lower().endswith('.mxm'): editMxm(filepath,from_dir,to_dir,dryrun) elif filepath.lower().endswith('.mxs'): editMxs(filepath,from_dir,to_dir,dryrun) else: raise ValueError('Unhandled file type %s.' % filepath) if __name__ == '__main__': # input dir input_dir = 'C:/scenes/maxwell/references/houston-sunnyvalley' # files to edit edit_this = ['.mxs','.mxm'] # path to be replaced from_dir = 'C:/scenes/maxwell' # path to use instead to_dir = 'C:/scenes/paco' # test mode dryrun = True # get files to edit todo_list = [] for root,dirs,filenames in os.walk(input_dir): for filename in filenames: if os.path.splitext(filename)[1] in edit_this: todo_list.append(os.path.join(root,filename)) #edit all selected files for filepath in todo_list: edit(filepath,from_dir,to_dir,dryrun) print('DONE %s' % (dryrun and '-> test mode, noghing was actually saved' or ''))